Thursday, May 6, 2010

color sitting
color waiting
bobbins wound
bobbins waiting
     the beginning of the cloth

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

tuesday as april happens

april happened
   and is happening
three shows
three weekends
three different states
north carolina
and now
road runner.....gypsy
always wondering "what happens if i...'

tomorrow, the michigan trip
   with a special treat- a stop and overnight visit with jason and kelly
   in pittsburgh-on the way.
   will be bringing the baby stuff purchased over the last few months 
                 and the sweaters knit, stich by stich, as i sat in different states.
 the day waits
 the fabric waits to be cut and constructed
   another day
   another day

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

midweek and....

one of three shows done
production happens and
looms, once filled/warped with 40 yards of yarn, stand empty, waiting to be rewarped.

seven looms
kept warped with seven different colorplays
a challenge

white warp done
we prep, wind cones to then wind on
the back warp beam.

and at the same time, another loom is worked
electric blue sea tones
naming colorways is a challenge and is fun

plain weave, also known as tabby weave
all the odd threads up
then all the even threads up
moves into twill weave
first one direction and then
simple and yet complex

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

april and shows and shows and shows

april's here
along with three shows in three weekends in three different states!
i leave thursday for the Carolina Craftmen Classic in Greensboro, North Carolina.
their PR person called yesterday, asked if i would like to be on the local news  friday morning live tv spot at 6:45 in my booth to help promote the show!
happy dance time!
Caroliina Craftsmen Arts and Crafts Festival

off to dance this day

Friday, April 2, 2010

quiet morning, full week

i woke this morning
had to stop to think of what day of the week it was
this week has been a blur!

home sunday night after the carolina craftsmen show in chantilly, va.
processed show paperwork, updated production files on the computer
basic data housekeeping tasks
takes time
simply takes time

capelets were a hot item this past weekend
such a simple idea, and yet so flattering!
cindy wove, i cut
mad dash to replenish inventory
before the april "month of shows"

three shows in three weeks
greensboro, nc
lancaster pa
novi mi
not quite sure what i was thinking when i set this up....
the "gambler" in me must have taken over
the risk taker that is up for marketing challenges...
so, today, with the back garden's grass looking so ragged high wild, i will be in the studio
cutting, weaving

off to dance the day

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

midweek as march happens

another morning
computer tasks
applied to mt. gretna through zapp
applied to eagles mere the old fashioned way-slides and snail mail
paid the great lakes michigan booth fee
signed up for the pa. guild's worksop on blogging

as i sit here, in the dining room, looking out on the back garden, my head is torn between "work" and garden time
that smell of damp earth, waiting to be worked,
the visual of the garden at the edge of spring
image similar to a bad hair day...
it needs to be raked, trimmed and picked up...

and for some reason, as i bought pansies at plasterers yesterday, i also bought onion sets- ahalf a pound of red and yellow....each!
what wa i thinking? the veggie garden isn't that big....

will see if i can find homes for some of them
the dy waits to be danced

Monday, March 15, 2010

the day is?

when is monday a saturday at the same time?
when one arrives home from a show at 11 pm on sunday night....
moving with the speed of molasses in january.
the mind is moving faster, by a hair, than the body.
"have to do's, should do's and must do's" bounce around in the brain.
and, after all the rain we've had, i don't think i have ever seen my snowdrops as tall as they are now.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

richmond's saturday

quiet morning in the room
another weekend
another city
another show.

yesterday morning
early at the show-8 a.m.
needed to finish setting up the booth
i had pooped out at 7:30 on thursday night
still had to do the lights and arrange

realized when i arrived at the show that my clipboards and invoice forms were not with me!
i had taken them out to use on the cruise
i found one invoice form and ledft the show at 9:15 or so to go to an ofice max,make copies and buy two more clipboards
was back at the show by 10:10

sales were adequate
capelets,bomber jackets and the two new peacock/orange pieces gone

time to dance the day

Thursday, March 11, 2010

thursday and...

furnace rumbles
dryer was on all night-not good
mind runs through the show checklist...
have to work on the new mirror for the booth
drill and bits are at the studio, waiting

it has been a productive week.
inventory looks good-31 capelets, 17 or so jackets, new fleece vests.
some holes to fill...hope to cut several pieces this a.m.
sunshine, with rain forecast for the weekend.

could be a good thing!

van sits loaded. all that is needed are my bags.
with rain forecast for today, i did not want to load it in the rain.
off to see what the universe will provide

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

mid week as march happens

mid week, again.
with rain forecast for tomorrow, van will be loaded today.
do not want to be loading in the rain....

inventory is at a good level, and as usual, my head goes to the "what will sell" mindset.

we have good stock in the capelets and bomber jackets.
will look at the work when it is together in the booth, and play with ideas of "what next"

off to dance this day

Monday, March 8, 2010

monday's almost all

day's done
a new week begins
to do list is long
with the third show of 2010 setting in richmond on thursday
smaller booth space means using the "bitch" booth structure
always a challenge to haul and set.
i only have to use it twice a year, for this richmond show. i guess i should't complain...still....
have to switch out the usual booth, triple check components to make sure i have all the right pieces. too many memories of jury-rigging the booth together.

seven orders sit in the van. the usps services automatic kisok's printer malfunctioned as i tried to use it. will have to ship in the a.m.
a good feeling knowing these orders are completed.
asked cindy why sometimes it is easier to cut the special orders than others? makes no sense...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

sunday at home

home, with head running through a list of have to's and must do's before leaving for the show on thursday in richmond.
smaller booth[8'x10'], means i use the "bitch" booth.
always a challenge to set it up.
it's heavier and more awkward than my regular booth.
and, i need to triple check to make sure i have the right components.

last week was productive, on a low key level. a number of orders completed and ready to ship...good feeling there

challenge this year wil lbe to keep up with the orders and the production for the shows.....

off to dance this day
some sutiod time,
some garden time....

Thursday, March 4, 2010

thursday, again

last week, on edge of being sick, i did go to the studio, ran at about one quarter of my normal speed. was determined to be "productive".
a week later, after "resting" on friday, saturday and sunday, irritable at the way the body was demanding attention, like a cranky two year old, my energy level is on the rise.
the head is rattling with the "shoulds, have to's and must do's".
thursday a week from now, back on the road-richmond show.
time is, just is
something that can and can't be "managed"

off to spin and dry the latest yardage.
more to cut and construct

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

mid week, before the shows begin

mid week, again
march already
the "shoulds, have to's and must do's" rattle around in my head
tasks begin with printing hang tags at home
then, to the studio, to cut several screaming orders

and while i handle the fabric, think about new colors and styles

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

tuesday night

new blog begun!
learning curve continues.
plans are to use this blog to focus on the woven work, new ideas, new images
fun playtime